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Bicycle Fitting Services

Only a Proper Fitting Can be Done on a Proper Size Bike Frame.

Bike sizing is done prior to bike fitting and should be done before you purchase a bicycle. Sizing focuses mainly with the size of a frame.  The most accurate method for determining frame size utilizes more than height and inseam but include questions concerning cycling experience, style of cycling desired and quite possibly taking other measurements to help narrow down the proper frame size.  Learn more about some of the misconceptions about road bike fittings and sizing.

With today's bicycle geometries a cyclist could be considered to fit on up to 8 different frame sizes. No two riders are alike despite the fact they may be the same height, for instance, they may have vastly different upper and lower body proportions, and ride for totally different purposes – which could result in their bike sizes (and fit) being extremely different. 

Once a correct frame size (bike sizing) has been determined, then and only then can a proper bike fitting be done. Trying to fit a rider on a bike of the wrong size fame is possible but very expensive endeavor. So the only appropriate starting point for a good fitting is a well-sized bike.

Bike fitting takes the bike and, through tweaks or changes to different components, fits the bike to the person. The big 3 are cleat fitting, saddle positioning and cockpit sizing which includes stem length and bar width.

Here at Revolutions Cyclery our bicycle fitting method utilizes years of experience, measuring devices, and software to enable us to fit cyclists with a safe and effective position on their bicycle. We utilize the "Fit Kit”, Paul Swift’s “Bike Fitting System”, SICI, Trek and Specialized Body Geometry and years of experience to increase comfort, efficiency, endurance, and sustainable position. We can also help consult on existing fit issues and on reducing injuries caused by improper fit. We can advise you on fit regarding a current bike or a new bike you may be considering.

Call (321) 751-5457 to get your fitting and/or sizing appointment.

Frame Sizing*

Before buying any bicycle the most important thing a rider needs to know is the correct size of frame.  Without the right size you may never be comfortable or have control of the bicycle.

A static fit procedure will provide a good recommendation the correct frame size off of a few body measurements and observation by a bike fitter.

  • Frame Size
  • Approximate Saddle Height

Price is $60.00 + parts and labor for needed equipment to complete the sizing.

* A Sizing procedure is FREE with the purchase of a new bike at Revolutions Cyclery

Bike Fitting

A thorough examination aimed at maximizing performance and/or working with preexisting conditions.

The Bike Fitting procedures focus on existing fit related issues on an existing bicycle. The process provides the rider everything included in a sizing plus shoe and pedal alignment, knee alignment, and trouble shooting issues a cyclist maybe encountering that requires more than a sizing. Instruction in proper riding form and beneficial exercises may also be included.

Includes all features of a sizing plus:

  • Confirm frame size
  • Rider Interview and Physical Evaluation
  • Cleat fitting
  • Knee and foot alignment
  • Saddle height and position
  • Reach, Stem Length and Angle
  • Handlebar width, reach, drop and position
  • Cockpit adjustment for optimum fit and comfort
  • Hip / pelvis rotation
  • Optimal riding posture and form
  • Aerobar bar pad with, bar width and length for multi-sport fit options
  • Recommend a follow-up to discuss changes and review the fit.

Price is $175 + parts and labor for needed equipment to complete the fitting. 

Shoe and Cleat Fitting

The correct fitting of the cyclist on his bike starts with the adjustment of the shoe cleats. The movement of the legs is transmitted to the pedals through the shoe cleats. The correct position of the shoe cleats is not only important for the transmission of the force, but it can also prevent knee and muscle injuries. The position of the shoe cleats has also an effect on the pedal movement of the cyclist. The so called ankling

  • Interview
  • Foot measurement
  • Cleat alignment
  • Shoe adjustment
  • Review of fit

Price is $45 + parts and labor for needed equipment to complete the fitting.

The Original Fit KitPrecision FitSerotta International Cycling InstituteMedicine of Cycling